We Finally Closed!

It's been a long three years. When we put our Indy house on the market and found our current Fort Wayne house we didn't know the series of unfortunate events that would fall. Some we might have been able to prevent if we had made different decisions. Some were the result of life just happening. But the end result was the same. For the past three years we've been unable to sell one house and dependent on rental income to pay that mortgage, we've mostly just made necessary repairs (some really expensive) to the house we live in and put off the major renovations that we desperately want to start, and we've been crushed under the debt that just never seems to go away. But we had to wait. Who knew that purposely missing two payments on a house you aren't living in could put you behind in other goals you want to achieve? Oh wait. We knew. But at the time we didn't have much of a choice. We needed to focus on moving on and paying for the house our family is livi...